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The Firetower

Ad-vent-ure noun : An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, Experience or activity. 


The Firetower  |  Woodbury, CT  |  41°32'37" N, 73°12'4" W  

The fire-tower is a hike that I've been doing since I was a kid. It's a short hike with the best views. At the top you can see every part of town. The schools, parks, and the churches. 

It was the first hike that I've done since coming home from school and it was exactly what I'd been needing: #rhodeislandhasnomountains. Don't get me wrong- I love the ocean state. It's the smallest state with the biggest heart. However, Rhode Island lacks one thing: hills, mountains, or any sort of elevation gain. Any "hike" you do in the 401 usually turns out to be a long walk. By the end of the semester I was craving the hills of Connecticut. I wanted nothing more than to be hiking hills, mountains, or climbing stairs. The fire-tower has all this in one easy hike. #perfection

I called up Taylor after work to see if  she wanted to go hiking and an hour later we were off. You park on the side of the road at a gravel pull off and the trailhead is just beyond the stone pillars. The pillars may look rundown but these are the coolest pillars you'll ever see. The pillars are made with stones from all 50 states. How freaking cool?! ...and of course I forgot to take a picture. 

The hike is a quick and easy one that follows red trail markers. Along the way there are short side trails that lead to lookouts offering wicked views. 

After the lookouts and hanging for awhile, Taylor and I returned to the trail and kept heading up. The top is where the hike shows its magic. However, this climb is not for those scared of heights. The tower was built in 1911 and is 80 ft tall. On windy days you can feel the tower swaying with the wind- again not for those scared of heights. Once you do the climb the views are worth it. It's the perfect place to sit with friends and talk for hours.  
